Thursday, January 8, 2009

Yellow Roses

Hi Everyone, Well it is supposed to rain, sleet and snow again today. So, I thought it would be a good time to start a new painting. I was up really early this morning and worked on some sketches for my next painting projects.

My New Years resolution is to paint at least two paintings a week...I only make a couple of resolutions and those that I make, I try to keep. I hate breaking promises to myself. For instance, every year I always promise to lose weight. I start the year motivated, exercising and eating right. By mid year I, for what every reason, I am back to my old habits. By the end of the year, I am lucky if I did not gain any weight. Unfortunately, for me I usually gained a couple of extra pounds. So at least for me, losing weight is no longer a New Year's resolutions and I am longer disappointed with myself and I have even managed to shed a few pounds. I think I am using reverse psychology on myself. But it works. lol.

These roses were on the table at my favorite Mexican eatery. They were calling to me paint me, paint me. I was really fascinated by the reflections in the glass vase. The light was just beautiful. I took a couple of pictures and jotted down a few notes. Of course, everyone in the restaurant thought I was a certifiable nut. I'll risk a few strange stares for my art.

I hope you all enjoy this painting as much as I did painting it. The multi-color petals were a real challenge. Yellow roses is painted with oil paints on an 16 x 20 canvas.

Thanks for stopping by and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all.